How to inspect the LPG storage tank?

LPG storage tanks themselves should have the necessary fire-fighting measures, cables with fire and high temperature prevention measures, non-flame-retardant cables should not be laid directly on top of the frame.  
Frame, steam ladle, liquefied gas storage tank, the main pipeline before installation, the scope of installation should be to check the records of inspection records, quality certification information is incomplete or there is doubt about the quality of the construction unit to the production unit can be questioned, require additional inspection or alkaline review.  
Safety interlocking system and protection device, chemical sampling and dosing system, room fire sejong, preheater and soot blowing system, without testing and adjustment, is prohibited to start.  
The following thermal equipment and protection devices should be commissioned and put into operation during the complete start-up period.  
The inspection of LPG storage tanks should be included in the installation and maintenance plan of the equipment, if the LPG storage tanks are not inspected and qualified, they cannot be installed and put into operation.  
Liquefied gas storage tanks can actually be divided into several parts, so that they can be more clean and have a rational, but also easy to understand and understand and even master the focus, into their own, can be better used in real life.  
Liquefied gas storage tank inspection, mainly is divided into factory overhaul and form inspection and other parts, if the product is through the factory overhaul, then on the product to be attached to the certificate of compliance, but the type test, but on the basis of the factory inspection for sampling, but in accordance with the relevant inspection items, but there is a failure will be judged that the product is unqualified products.

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